Unconscious Bias and How it Inhibits an Inclusive Workplace

  • Room: virtual
Sunday,June 05, 2022:11:30 AM -12:30 PM
/ CEU Credits:1


Tim Hicks
Insurance Product Manager
FIS Global


Unconscious (or implicit) bias helps people make decisions in their daily lives quickly; however, biases can also create prejudice in favor of - or against - certain things, persons, or even groups. Often without our own realization, people make mental comparisons in ways that could be helpful or, conversely, be considered unfair. Workplaces striving for inclusiveness should be conscious of when and how bias often occurs.


Exporter Choices

1. Learning Objective 1:
Recognize when and how implicit bias occurs in the workplace, and detect unconscious bias based on several factors including race, gender, sexual orientation and national origin

2. Learning Objective 2:
Identify what steps can be taken to limit the impact of negative implicit bias on our thoughts and behaviors

3. Learning Objective 3:
Differentiate implicit bias to understand how good bias can encourage an inclusive workplace

4. Target Audience:

  • Basic

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